Thursday, June 19, 2008

How can you if someone is lying?

How can you if someone is lying? Scientifically we can't prove if someone is lying however the signs below mostly works in most occasions.Pay attention to their body language or movement.Usually when people are lying their eyes cannot stay focus.They also cannot look straight to the eyes of the other person.Their appearance may seem nervous, from gestures such as scratching their body parts, or not standing still Most importantly they act out gestures that does not match with what they are saying.Focus on to their physical appearance and their emotional behavior.Usually liars will act defensive and sensitive.They don’t like when people question their statements, even if the questions are appropriate. They usually delay their time to respond and normally their responses are unclear.By changing the topic of the conversation as quickly as possible, "liars" are able to stop questions concerning their lies.


How to become a PERFECT LIAR !

I know I'm supposed to post about something I've experienced or telling something interesting about my life. But since my life is not interesting to be shared, I will post about the how,what,where,when in life.Today I'm going to teach you,the readers about how to become a perfect liar. The first step that you need to take is when you decided to lie at someone, you need to act natural and relax. Because if you're nervous and too stiff, you will cause doubt/ suspicious to the person you're lying to. 2nd keep focus and look at the person's eye, to earn that person's trust. 3rdly don't be defensive, act normal. When the person doubt that your saying the truth and ask you questions to see that you're lying, act normal and answer the question short and simple. And try not to delay some time when you are answering his questions. 4thly, when the person you're lying to is still asking question, don't change the topic of the conversation quickly it will create more suspicious to that person.These are the 4 steps to create a perfect lie, but don't ever use this 4 steps to fool me, because I can still know you're lying eventhough you use this 4 steps. ANDDD practice makes Perfect

Psychos !!!

Today, I've decided to talk about Psychos. Firstly there are two different type of psychos. The first type is Psychopath, psychopath are people that aren't really insane since they know what is wrong and what is right. Usually psychopaths are people that is handsome/pretty, smart, rational, creative,and they seem so normal. But eventually Psychopath have a disturbed personalities. They have no emotion towards love,caring,and feeling sorry for anyone but himself. Thats why they are so selfish,egoist, and evil. There's nothing matter to them but their own need and wants. Causing them to torture, rape, murder since they doesn't care to the people they torture. Psychopaths are people that is cold-blooded monster who hide their evil hearts and pretend to be normal.The 2nd type of psychos is Psychotic, psychotic suffer a mental disorder causing them to create their own world. They suffer from hallucination and delusion- they hear voices, see vision and have confuse reality with imagination. Unlike psychopath, psychotic appear strange, insane and retarded. Usually psychotic suffer schizophrenic ( mental retardation causing them to create hallucination).The reason why psychos torture and murders peoples is cause by many reasons.Usually there are 3 average reason why they like torturing. Firstly is because they like to fantasize dreams of torture. For them torture is like having sex, many of them masturbated after they torture and kill the victims. 2ndly it is because they have a hunger to experience everything, especially killing. And when they have torture or kill someone they become addicted. 3rdly they wanted to create books about types of torture and their feelings about killing.How to know if someone is a psycho ?- Most are males ( especially the tall ones)- Has a really high IQ- Despite their intellegence, they do poorly in school academics- Come from deeply troubled families- family history of criminal behaviors- Suffer sexual abusement when they are still childrens- an antisocial- interest in fetishim and violent ponography Thats all, but not all of psycho have these characteristic. These are only the general characteristic.

What a girl(women) wants from a boy (men)

What a girl wants from a boy?This is only my assumption and analysis from books and people’s characteristics. This could be true but it also could be wrong.There are 5 things that girls want from boys, which are security, praise, to be given protection and understanding. But we need to be less excessive from these 5 factors.Girls/woman want:They want to have security from their loved ones since every girl/woman/wife needs to feel safe materially and mentally. And there are 2 different types of girls, the 1st type of girl is the girl that looks for and obtain security from themselves. The second type of girl is the one that who gains security from their boyfriend. But beware, to never say to a girl that she is materialistic. Everyone knows that it is hard to refuse an offer from a rich person. The presents and nice surprises, that cannot be imagined, this will make girls feel spoiled and cared from their boyfriends. But you must not only rely on material to give girls security, but you also need to gain her trust by not flirting with other girls.They also want attention and care but still needs privacy. Give your girl attention, discover small things that she likes and dislikes. By taking an initiative when she is thirsty give her water, when she is cold give her your jacket, and when she is feeling down you are there for her. For boys that have never date a girl before, you need to be careful since too much attention can make people think that you are a stalker. (It’s nice to take care of your girl friend but not her whole life, its not like you are going to marry her)They also want to be praised but do not want to be fooled. Since girls wants to be acknowledged by their boyfriends they also desire attention from their boyfriends, but you must know, a girl does not want too much attention, this could cause her to feel that they don't have any privacy and space. Also, girls tend to like to be praise of her talent, smartness, and personality.They want protection from their loved ones. Even though that girl is the toughest Thai boxer, she still needs a man to protect her and give her comfort. Things like going home alone or alone in the streets; they want to be accompanied by men. But beware not to be overprotective since girls don’t like to be overprotected. They want to be understood, so we need to understand how girls think and feel about things. Why woman tend to overreact to a problem? It is because girls are not like us (man) who rather finish the problem than to forget. ~InitialR~

Success ?

What is success? (In my perspective)For me, success is divided into 5 parts. They are success in family, in career, in social life, in health, and in morality. My life wouldn’t be complete if I cannot fulfill these 5 areas of my life. Yet different people have different perspective, but mine should be like this.Now I’m going to explain everything from my point of view. First, what does success in family mean? Success in family means that you have people who love you and be loved by you. Usually the circle of family consists of the closest people around you, such as your parents and siblings. Living peacefully with them means you talk, you communicate, and they respond to you. Time is the key factor here. If a family can spend some time together just to interact among themselves, the problems that they are facing will seem to be light enough to bare. Laughter and hugs would be the best remedy of all tiring day. You don’t have to spend and plan particular event just to show that you care. A simple dinner can have it all.Then, as I’m a young man that has a lot of dreams and accomplishment to achieve, I believe that I have to strive and work hard to prove my existence. Especially in business, I see that people who are rich have all the respects and power in their hands even though not everybody likes them. Well, for start, I need to have good grades to be successful in my studies so I can earn as much knowledge as I could. Hopefully with all this knowledge, I could establish and expand my own business and be recognized by people.Next, success in social life means that you have friends that you can count on especially when you are in trouble. Nowadays I see a lot of people try to be friends with people who are popular but that are not what I want. I need to have friends who truly know me, my strengths and weakness yet they still accept me for who I am. Those kind of friends are difficult to find but should be kept when you have them. I believe if you have friends that support you, you will be able to develop your potential to the best that you can. They will remind you if you are wrong and support you when you are in need. That’s why I called it success in social life.Health, health may not be everything but without health we cannot do anything. For me health is very important. It helps me to do everything from studying, having fun, and doing other activities to achieve my dreams. Imagine if you are sick, you cannot perform to your maximum potential. Not to mention the pain and the expense that you should spent to be healthy. I think even though you have all the money in this world, it would be useless if you cannot enjoy it for you are sick and cannot leave your bed.Even though I’m still young, but I want to make sure that I am successful now and then. Well morality or religion is one way to have the guarantee. Without good moral people can be very selfish and evil. They only think about themselves and their needs. Usually these kinds of people will do everything to achieve their goals. In the other hand, I believe that I should live good conscience. It will bring me peace so I can prepare my next move without feeling guilty.I hope I can achieve all of this success. As I grow older perhaps these definitions will change but for now this success are my goals to achieve in life.Initial R

Uncivilized Ideas

Why do uncivilized ideas can take over your mind easily ?There are many natural factors in this world that influence human behaviors. Human’s basic instinct is to survive. We can do almost anything to hold on to our own survival and our personal interests. If we don’t have high standard of morality, we tend to be selfish. The selfishness can direct us only to meet our own pleasure.It is undeniable that in every human being there is a spot of evil. If we live in a violent environment, we will witness a lot of uncivilized things all around us. At first, perhaps we will not approve of these things yet if it is becoming a culture or a habit, we will be influenced and start to believe that it is the normal way of life.Do you know that children in the age of 1-6 years old will copy everything that they see ? Imagine if they keep on seeing uncivilized things. It will become their natural response of their lives. That is why family models play a major role of shaping humanity. There are a lot of cases where the son of the murderer will continue the footstep of their parents. It also happens for child abuse. If a child was abused, the chances of becoming an abuser are higher than those who have normal lives.The other factor is the booming of modern technology such as the easy use of computer, internet, and television. Television is the most influential media for youngsters. The programs broadcast on tv usually interesting, colorful, and unforgettable. Nowadays there are a lot of programs for children that are full of violence and the producers really wrap the program with fabulous show that brainwashed the youngsters that it is ok to be rude, to cheat, or to hurt people because that’s what on TV. The problem is the producers never show the consequences, example blood or people died or get sick because of their actions since the character will come up just fine, like nothing happened.Next is the psychological effect. People tend to memorize things that are quite frightening, traumatic, brutal, and inappropriate things. For some people, they will try to avoid seeing these things but the others keep on wanting to know out of their curiosity. And as we know, adrenaline takes a major role on this part. The more you are excited, the tenser you are. People are craving for this kind of sensational. That’s why people like to watch horror movie, violence scenes, or any traumatic events just to satisfy their needs of adrenaline. And that’s why uncivilized things can take over your minds easily.

Iq vs Eq

IQ VS EQWhich one is more important, IQ or EQ ? IQ is someone’s ability to analyze something and find its solution in a fast speed. Usually people need IQ desperately during their school days. Since usually IQ is related with your scores. High IQ usually has high score and vice versa.While EQ has something to do with the way we deal with problems. Are we getting more stress or can stay calm to solve it ? Can you communicate fluently and clearly with someone else ? Can you read the surroundings to make wise decisions ? So there are a lot of factors involved in EQ.The conventional people usually think that IQ is more important than EQ. However survey proven that nowadays highly successful people has both in balance. In fact some people have more EQ than IQ. It means they have more channels to provide for their needs. Unfortunately, many high IQ people work for people with lower IQ.So for those people who have quite low IQ score, please don’t be discourage. Bloom your personality, empower your friends and use your connections to achieve your goals. And people with high IQ don’t tease peoples with lower IQ, who knows that someday you will work for them. : P INitial R

Cool Facts That you may not know

Cool Facts that you may not knowThe “Little Red Riding Hood” is a fairy tale based on a serial killerDo you know, that the little red riding hood is a fairy tale based on a serial killer. The story about a little girl that visit her grandma, which later shows that the grandma is a wolf in disguised. The “wolf” in the story is actually a serial killer loves to kill children and mutilated them. The reason why they are called wolf is because the serial killer with such bestial ferocity and cruelty was characterized as a wolf-men. The famous doll which is idolized by kids (girls) was originated from German as a sex toys.Do you know, that Barbie toys for kids was a sex toys for adults in German 1959 ? The famous and oldest dolls for girls were actually come from German and also a sex toys. The Barbie dolls were actually named Lili, a toy which was characterized with large breast and sexy clothing and was intended for adults to “play” with it. This “Lili” was actually a symbol of sex and pornography for the men of Germany. <>Hieronymus MachinePsionic Heironymus Machine is a simple machine that was acknowledge as the only machine that was operated by psychologically. This machine was created intended to locate any elements by its individual frequency. However the machine, actually has more function than just locating element by its frequency since some people said that this machine is able to ……. (in the Cumberland Valley a scientist from the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau put a photo of an insect infested field into the machine commonly called a "Black Box". Along with it they put a tiny amount of insecticide. Forty-eight hours later, the insects in the infected field, many miles away, were all dead!), (A scientist named George de la Warr, head of a huge of laboratory in Oxford, England put a piece of ordinary photographic film into an opening in the device and after a few minutes, removed a picture of his wife and himself on their wedding day, 30 years before.), and ( Galen Heironymus himself used his psionic device to monitor the life support systems of the Apollo astronauts. He successfully recieved all the correct data, before Nasa did.) Unfortunately the F.D.A declared that this machine is fake and is not capable to things mentioned above. So is the Hieronymus Machine a fake or the scientist cannot accept the way it supposedly work, you decide. < > or <>


For this blog, I’m gonna write something that is in my mind lately :PSometime, I think the end of the world will happen in 2013. The reason why, I’m not really sure about it, however I found something interesting thing about 2013. All calculations from 2013 will end up with 6, which symbolize imperfect and 666 which represent the devil and human that will later destroy the world. And interestingly this story is in the bible chapter 13 (where the bible in the last sentence of chapter 13 said that “his number is 666” ). Back to the calculation, if we are to calculate 2+1+3 = 6, 2 / 3 / 1 = 0,666, 2 X 3 X 1 = 6, 20 / 13 = 1,5 or 1+5= 6, and other ways to calculate that will end up at least the number 6. I don’t know if this really true or not, and maybe I am paranoid with the number 2013. By the way I type just to check about 666 and 2013, I found out that in 2013 a project called 666 will be celebrated and released (by the way this group hate Christians. You can check it out in this website I print screen the information about the project 666 in 2013 since the website has been copyrighted and cannot be highlighted. However it seems that the image cannot be input in this blog.Initiar R

Cool Facts that you may not know 2 :P

Cool Facts that you may not know 2 :P
Cool facts that you may not know 21. Disney Hidden Sexual MessageDo you know that Disney use subliminal hidden sexual message that was included in the movie without our notice? Disney create an sex image or word that is hidden in the movie. Even though we don’t really see the sexual hidden message, but our brain does and causes us to like the movie more. This is one of a media strategy that will rid other cartoon movies competitors. The reason why this strategy is effective is because an uncivilized idea takes our mind easily. Even though the uncivilized image or words shows really small or really quick our brain will record it. Imagine a movie which is intended for young kids to watch, still Disney put hideous image and corrupt our young children’s mind. Movies such as Jessica Rabbit, The Rescuers, Aladdin, The little Mermaid, and The Lion King are the evidence that Disney uses sexual hidden message. In Jessica Rabbit when she fell to the ground her ______ showing for a few seconds ( you will not realize it ), The Rescuers, when the 2 mouse riding the Albatross, a really quick image of a naked woman was shown in the movie at the wall ( Yesterday, I’ve watched it and see it). In Aladdin when he wanted to fly, a small but not clear enough says all teenagers take off your clothes.(I need to repeat it several time to hear it). The little Mermaid, the throne looks like __________.(Inappropriate to say). And the last but not the least in the movie The Lion King, a sexual hidden message appeared when Simba is dreaming about his girl, look at the stars and if you connect it one by one the word SEX will appear. I don’t know why I can research it in the internet but at first it suddenly appeared in my mind. (For more information you can read in this link The Human MindGod is a very creative and unique. He created humans to have a very unique brain and mind. Do you know that our brain read each whole word not per letter, so we can read a word even though the order of the word is a mess. Try to read this : I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.3. Crocodile TearsThe term of Crocodile tears means that a false tears or a false sadness. Have you ever wonder why do we use the term crocodile tears for false tears ? The reason why we use crocodile tears for false tears is because real crocodile really produce tears. However these tears didn’t come out because of sadness but to expel excess of salt in the eyes. That’s why we use the term crocodile tears for false tears. (Personally rather than crocodile tears, I prefer the term Lacoste Tears :P)Initial R