Thursday, June 19, 2008

What a girl(women) wants from a boy (men)

What a girl wants from a boy?This is only my assumption and analysis from books and people’s characteristics. This could be true but it also could be wrong.There are 5 things that girls want from boys, which are security, praise, to be given protection and understanding. But we need to be less excessive from these 5 factors.Girls/woman want:They want to have security from their loved ones since every girl/woman/wife needs to feel safe materially and mentally. And there are 2 different types of girls, the 1st type of girl is the girl that looks for and obtain security from themselves. The second type of girl is the one that who gains security from their boyfriend. But beware, to never say to a girl that she is materialistic. Everyone knows that it is hard to refuse an offer from a rich person. The presents and nice surprises, that cannot be imagined, this will make girls feel spoiled and cared from their boyfriends. But you must not only rely on material to give girls security, but you also need to gain her trust by not flirting with other girls.They also want attention and care but still needs privacy. Give your girl attention, discover small things that she likes and dislikes. By taking an initiative when she is thirsty give her water, when she is cold give her your jacket, and when she is feeling down you are there for her. For boys that have never date a girl before, you need to be careful since too much attention can make people think that you are a stalker. (It’s nice to take care of your girl friend but not her whole life, its not like you are going to marry her)They also want to be praised but do not want to be fooled. Since girls wants to be acknowledged by their boyfriends they also desire attention from their boyfriends, but you must know, a girl does not want too much attention, this could cause her to feel that they don't have any privacy and space. Also, girls tend to like to be praise of her talent, smartness, and personality.They want protection from their loved ones. Even though that girl is the toughest Thai boxer, she still needs a man to protect her and give her comfort. Things like going home alone or alone in the streets; they want to be accompanied by men. But beware not to be overprotective since girls don’t like to be overprotected. They want to be understood, so we need to understand how girls think and feel about things. Why woman tend to overreact to a problem? It is because girls are not like us (man) who rather finish the problem than to forget. ~InitialR~

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