Thursday, June 19, 2008

Psychos !!!

Today, I've decided to talk about Psychos. Firstly there are two different type of psychos. The first type is Psychopath, psychopath are people that aren't really insane since they know what is wrong and what is right. Usually psychopaths are people that is handsome/pretty, smart, rational, creative,and they seem so normal. But eventually Psychopath have a disturbed personalities. They have no emotion towards love,caring,and feeling sorry for anyone but himself. Thats why they are so selfish,egoist, and evil. There's nothing matter to them but their own need and wants. Causing them to torture, rape, murder since they doesn't care to the people they torture. Psychopaths are people that is cold-blooded monster who hide their evil hearts and pretend to be normal.The 2nd type of psychos is Psychotic, psychotic suffer a mental disorder causing them to create their own world. They suffer from hallucination and delusion- they hear voices, see vision and have confuse reality with imagination. Unlike psychopath, psychotic appear strange, insane and retarded. Usually psychotic suffer schizophrenic ( mental retardation causing them to create hallucination).The reason why psychos torture and murders peoples is cause by many reasons.Usually there are 3 average reason why they like torturing. Firstly is because they like to fantasize dreams of torture. For them torture is like having sex, many of them masturbated after they torture and kill the victims. 2ndly it is because they have a hunger to experience everything, especially killing. And when they have torture or kill someone they become addicted. 3rdly they wanted to create books about types of torture and their feelings about killing.How to know if someone is a psycho ?- Most are males ( especially the tall ones)- Has a really high IQ- Despite their intellegence, they do poorly in school academics- Come from deeply troubled families- family history of criminal behaviors- Suffer sexual abusement when they are still childrens- an antisocial- interest in fetishim and violent ponography Thats all, but not all of psycho have these characteristic. These are only the general characteristic.

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